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Your brand is part of an evolving,
complex culture. The role it plays
depends on one thing: influence.

That influence is hard-earned.
It’s fought for.

That is why we challenge
leaders to crystalize the story
of what their brands stand
for and why that matters.

This narrative is a brands life
force. One that earns influence
today, and evolves as
people make it their own.

Cultural impact.
Enduring relevance.
Resilient realness.


When you dedicate your brand
to having cultural impact, the
benefits build over time.

Your brand is part ofYourbrandispartofan evolving, complex culture.anevolving,complexculture.The role it plays dependsTheroleitplaysdependson one thing: influence.ononething:influence.
That influence is hard-earned.Thatinfluenceishard-earned.It’s fought for.It’sfoughtfor.
That is why we challengeThatiswhywechallengeleaders to crystalize the storyleaderstocrystalizethestoryof what their brands standofwhattheirbrandsstandfor and why that matters.forandwhythatmatters.
This narrative is a brand's life force.Thisnarrativeisabrand'slifeforce.One that earns influence today,Onethatearnsinfluencetoday, and evolves as people make it their own.andevolvesaspeoplemakeittheirown.
Cultural impact.Culturalimpact.Enduring relevance.Enduringrelevance.Resilient realness.Resilientrealness.
Marion Berrin for M le Magazine du Monde

When you dedicate your brand
to having cultural impact,
the benefits build over time.

For 25 years, we’ve helped
brands define their unique story
and place in culture.

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For 25 years, we’ve helped
brands define their unique story
and place in culture.